Our investment partners sub-manage our True Potential Wealth Strategy Funds and we blend their management styles together for an extra layer of diversification in our True Potential Portfolios.

We currently work with the following investment fund managers:

UBS Asset Management  are one of True Potential’s fundamentally top-down driven managers, pinning investment rationale on developments in key economic data points such as employment and inflation. The range utilises futures, ETF’s, smart beta and actively managed positions to gain exposure to equity and fixed income markets and an inhouse currency hedge fund. The fund range takes full advantage of these liquid building blocks with a dynamic risk overlay allowing for agile risk management in volatile environments. Our partnership with UBS also forms part of our True Potential Income Portfolios. This bespoke solution provides clients with enhanced income potential, through an innovative use of derivatives, alongside the multi-asset tools at their disposal to provide clients a well-diversified addition to their portfolio.

Allianz offer investors a risk-based approach investing globally in all major asset classes, complimenting passive implementation with their active inhouse strategies. Allianz have the ability to be very dynamic in their approach, increasing or decreasing total investment exposure depending on volatility levels within markets. Allianz have a huge research and fund management base they can draw upon, being one of the largest fund managers currently in Europe.

Close Brothers utilise an actively managed investment process, across four multi-asset funds, including one income generating fund. They deploy their investment mandate by directly holding equities, fixed interest investments and alternative assets, such as precious metals. By investing in directly held securities, clients gain access to a clinical and incisive investment approach, that leverages the research capability of the manager and provides exposure to a growth-oriented investment style.

Columbia Threadneedle’s investment approach gives True Potential clients access to a UK focussed, multi-asset income generating solution. The manager invests in UK equities and both global and domestic credit. Threadneedle utilise their fundamental, bottom-up security selection approach to build positions in assets whose longer-term prospects are under-valued by the market.

Goldman Sachs Asset Management have two funds with True Potential ran by internationally renowned experts. These are the True Potential Goldman Sachs Balanced and Income Builder funds, both positioned within the balanced risk profile. The True Potential Goldman Sachs Balanced fund employs a factor-based approach, evaluating the patterns of asset class behaviour, and the drivers behind them to form a balanced portfolio that includes exposure to both traditional and non-traditional asset classes such as alternatives. Income Builder invests across a broad spectrum of global bonds and equities aiming to build a portfolio that generates sustainable, stable income and capital appreciation.

Schroders are True Potential’s contrarian manager with the team at Schroders looking to invest into the areas of the market which are away from the consensus. This currently has led them to invest into value names predominantly within the UK, Japan and Europe. This value philosophy extends into the fixed income market, where they largely replace the diversification benefits of credit with alternatives to offer uncorrelated returns to the equities within the portfolio. Many of the investment decisions made within the fund such as the lower weighting to bonds and large investment into real assets makes the fund well suited to act as a hedge against any inflationary pressure which may arise.

SEI utilise a manager of managers investment approach, creating funds composed of different investment managers according to their expertise in specific markets or investment styles, providing an emphatically diverse investment solution. SEI seek to gain exposure to three distinct, long-term drivers of market performance known as Alpha Sources, in the context of a long-term Strategic Asset Allocation; Value, Momentum and Stability.

7IM offers investors a global active-passive approach to fund management. This means they are active at the asset allocation level with a team of highly skilled fund managers choosing what areas to invest in, but passive in implementation by using funds that track a specific Index or part of that Index. By using this approach, 7IM can offer a low cost multi-asset solution to investors with a global reach.

True Potential Growth-Aligned provides investors with a global, diversified blend of active and passive investments at a low cost. Managed in-house by True Potential, the Growth-Aligned range capitalises on the economies of scale built up with our investment manager partners while drawing on the wealth of intellectual resource available through our sub fund managers.

Pictet, a Swiss private bank currently managing £600 billion of assets, deliver a bespoke solution unique to True Potential. This is the only thematic, multi-asset suite of investment funds across all five risk profiles available globally from Pictet. They provide clients’ with exposure to some of the most innovative themes for future growth in multi-asset strategies. This enhances the diversification of the True Potential Portfolios.

How We Choose Who to Work With

We select and monitor our investment partners against strict and exhaustive criteria, so that we only work those we believe offer you the best combination of management style, performance, diversification and value.

To join our investment lineup, fund managers must pass our selection criteria:


Initial screening

Due diligence

Due diligence

True Potential Investments’
Board sign off

How We Manage Our Partners

We have ongoing oversight to assess what our investment partners have done for you. This is stronger than the usual process of only asking what they plan to do, giving you greater assurance.

We continually monitor our True Potential Wealth Strategy Funds and True Potential Portfolios to make sure they perform as expected and remain within your chosen risk profile.


Here’s how we access our partners:

  • Continual: Ensure your investment remains aligned to its objective and within your risk profile
  • Monthly: Meet investment partners to review performance, gain insight to their market outlook and discuss the current exposure of the portfolio with the option to rebalance
  • Quarterly: Investment Committee meet to review Wealth Strategy Funds and Portfolios
  • Annually: Review the framework used for Portfolio construction including assumptions for both risk and return

If you have any questions about our selection or ongoing management of our investment partners, you can contact us by email at investmentmanagement@tpllp.com.

Your capital is at risk. Investments can fluctuate in value and you may not get back the amount you invest. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Tax rules can change at any time.

True Potential Investments LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FRN No. 527444. www.fca.org.uk Registered in England and Wales as a Limited Liability Partnership No. OC356027.